Back to the start

  Here I am! Starting my yoga journey–or so I thought to myself tonight as I washed my face in my new home. 

Then I realized, going to class tomorrow wasn’t the beginning. Neither was driving up to Asheville earlier today. It wasn’t signing up for this course in January, or even committing to complete this course 18 months ago, when my husband and I decided on this step in my journey. 

Was it three years ago when I started practicing yoga again in earnest? Was it six years ago when I first thought I might want to be a yoga teacher? Was it seven years ago, the first time I stepped into a yoga class?

It’s hard to pinpoint the beginning, or to declare one moment that brought me to this place–but many moments contributed along the way, and whatever the defining moment was, I didn’t know it at the time. 

What other journeys am I beginning now? What other “first” steps have I already taken that will lead somewhere I can’t imagine? 

What sorts of habits am I cultivating or adventures am I seeking, taking new steps that might lead somewhere wonderful?

What kind of life are you building in your everyday decisions?